• how do i get coinbase tax documents

    OK, I understand. Here is the article: Coinbase Tax Documents: How to Obtain and Complete Your Tax Filings The most important thing to remember about Coinbase is that it is a service that allows you to buy and sell digital assets, including cryptocurrency. As such, you should have your tax documents ready to go before you begin with Coinbase. Before you start, you need to know that Coinbase is a tax-exempt service. That means that you do not need to file your own tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, you still need to file your tax deductions and credits with the IRS. To get your tax documents, you need to follow these steps: 1. Visit your tax preparer Your tax preparer is the professional who will help you prepare your tax return and file your deductions and credits. They will also help you with any questions you may have about your tax situation. 2. Choose your tax preparer You need to choose a tax preparer who specializes in digital assets. They will know how to handle your situation and will be able to help you with your tax documents. 3. Submit your tax documents Once you have your tax preparer, you need to submit your tax documents electronically. You can do this by filling out the Electronic File Submission form available at your tax preparer's website. 4. Complete your tax deductions and credits After you submit your tax documents, your tax preparer will help you complete your tax deductions and credits. This means that you will need to provide them with any information that you need to support your tax deductions and credits. 5. Submit your completed tax return Once you have completed your tax deductions and credits, you can submit your completed tax return to the IRS. You can do this by visiting your tax preparer's website and filling out the Submission form. By following these steps, you should be able to get your Coinbase tax documents ready to go. Remember, if you have any questions or need help, you should always speak with your tax preparer.

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