• is vet on coinbase

    Vet on Coinbase Coinbase is a platform for purchasing and selling digital cryptocurrency, which has sparked a debate among the crypto community over whether or not to include vetted professionals on the platform. The debate has been primarily centered around the level of vetting required for the platform's members, and whether or not this level of vetting is necessary for the platform to be considered a trustworthy marketplace. One of the key concepts in this debate is the concept of "vetting" itself. While some individuals argue that vetting is necessary to ensure that only professionals with relevant experience and expertise are allowed on the platform, others believe that this level of vetting is unnecessary, and that only basic background checks should be required. One of the key proponents of this view is David G. Leighton, a well-known cryptocurrency analyst and investor. He argues that the level of vetting required for members of Coinbase is excessive, and that only a basic background check should be sufficient to determine whether or not a person is a qualified professional. In contrast, other individuals argue that vetting is necessary for the platform to be considered a trustworthy marketplace. They believe that only those with specific experience and expertise should be allowed on the platform, and that this level of vetting is necessary to ensure that only those with the necessary skills and experience are allowed to participate. Despite the debate over the level of vetting required for Coinbase members, both sides have been able to find common ground. For example, they both agree that only those with specific experience and expertise should be allowed on the platform. However, this common ground has not been enough to resolve the debate, and the level of vetting required for Coinbase members remains a topic of debate among the crypto community. As for the impact of this debate on Coinbase's credibility and reputation, it is difficult to determine with certainty. However, it is clear that the level of vetting required for Coinbase members has sparked a debate among the crypto community, and this debate has the potential to impact Coinbase's credibility and reputation in the long run.

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